In feverish anticipation of our sustainable Baufritz house finally ‘arriving’ from Germany on Tuesday next week, we’ve put together this time lapse film of the past three months on site. You can watch the groundworks and foundations for our two storey eco home and guest accommodation being laid in just 2 minutes, at 24 frames a second.
The action takes place between January and April 2014. You can see the digger excavating the Sussex chalk hillside in preparation for the partly earth-sheltered building, followed by Joe and his team laying the shuttering, pouring the concrete, and delivering the huge Portland stone wings (recycled off-cuts) which will be used as retaining walls along the driveway and at the front of the plot. Fasten your seat-belts, it’s a rather bumpy ride!
Stay tuned for the next timelapse installment when we show you our environmentally-friendly timber house being erected and made watertight in a matter of days. Since the framework and all other timber components have been manufactured off-site, this will speed up the construction time-frame significantly. Bricks are, like, just sooo last century, don’t you think?